English Exams Lab



Getting started

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Getting started

1  Create your free school account

To access the platform and get started, you first need to create you school account. This has no cost. The only details you need to enter are a name for the school, which your students and teachers will see when they access the platform, an email and a password which will allow you to access your account.

To do so, please click on the link below and complete the form.


After you have completed the form, you will access the platform.

2  Customize the platform to match your corporate identity

Once you have created your account, you can customize the platform to match your corporate identity. In this way, when your students or teachers access the platform, they will only see your information on it. This is also completely free.

Please follow the steps below:

  1 - Once you have accessed the platform, please clik on My School Page, in the menu on the left, under School tools:

  2 - You will then find a page where you can customize 3 things: the web address you want to use, which your students and teachers will use to access the platform, your logo, which your students and teachers will see when they access the platform, and the background image, which will appear in the 'Login' page:

You will then see a preview of how the changes that you have made will look:

3  Add your students and teachers

After you have created your school’s account, the next step is to add your students and teachers. This is also free of cost. You can add an unlimited number of students and teachers.

By adding your students and teachers, they will have access to the platform, but won’t be able to access all the content. They will be able to access a limited number of activities by default. They will need a license to be able to access all the content without any limitations. We explain how this is done in step number 4.

To add your students and teachers, there are 2 ways: you can either add students and teachers by typing their names and emails (recommended when you want to add a small group of students and/or teachers), or you can import an excel file with all the names, emails and classrooms (recommended when you want to add a large group of students and/or teachers).

We explain how this is done below:

  Adding students/teachers manually

  1 - Click on My Students, in the menu on the left, under School tools:

  2 - Click on the Add one or more students button, on the top left of the page:

  3 - Please read the instructions and then complete the form. Only the first 2 fields (name and email) are required. The other 3 (exam prepared, access to exams and classroom) are optional. You can add this information later. (The email doesn't need to be real, we will never communicate with any of your students).

  4 - You will then find the students you have added under the My Students page, and they will then be able to access the platform with the email you have assigned to them while completing the form.

  5 - To add teachers, please repeat the same process under the My Teachers page.

  Importing users from an Excel file

  1 - Click on My Students, in the menu on the left, under School tools:

  2 - Click on the Import users from Excel button, on the top right of the page:

  3 - Please read the instructions and then click on the Download Excel file button. An Excel file will then be downloaded.

  4 - Complete the Excel file. For each user, you will need to provide the following information: name, email, role (student or teacher). You can also specify the classroom. (The email doesn't need to be real, we will never communicate with any of your students).

  5 - Once you have completed and saved the Excel file, please click on the Upload Excel file button and select the file:

  6 - The system will then analyse the list of users you want to import, calculate the total number of users and ask you for confirmation. After you confirm, all your users will be uploaded to your school's account and they will then be able to access the platform with the email you will have assigned to them in the Excel file:

4  Create classrooms

After you have added your students and teachers, they will have access to the platform, but your teachers won’t have access to your students’ work unless you put them in the same classroom. By doing so, you give your teachers access to the work completed and submitted by the students you put in the same classroom as them, like the speaking and writing exercises, which your teachers will be able to correct and mark. They will also be able to provide feedback which their students will then receive. We explain how this works in step 7.

To create classrooms, please follow the steps below:

  1 - Click on My Classrooms, in the menu on the left, under School tools:

  2 - Click on the Create new classroom button, on the top of the page:

  3 - Type the name of the different classrooms you want to create. You will be able to add the classroom members later.

  4 - After you have created different classrooms, you will find them under the My classrooms page.

  5 - To add students and teachers to each classroom, first, click on a classroom. Then click on the Add or remove members button. Select the different students and teachers you want to add to the classroom, and then confirm by clicking on the Add members button.

5  Buy licenses for your students

Once you’ve added your students and teachers, as we explained in step 2, they will have access to the platform, and they will also be able to access a limited number of activities, but they won’t be able to access the totality of the content. They will need a license to be able to do so without any limitations.

A license is what gives a student access to all the content. It can also only be used by one student.

We have 3 month, 6 month, 9 month and 12 month licenses. Prices of licenses can vary depending on different factors like volume of licenses (we have special discounts depending on the number of licenses you are interested in buying), if you belong to an organisation we have an agreement with (for example Centre Exam Managers), or country where the preparation centre is located.

It is important to notice that when you buy licenses, these are added to your account instantly, and are available for you to apply to your students for a period of 2 years. You don’t have to apply them right away, you can buy licenses on a certain day and apply them to your students whenever it suits you best.

6  Check your students' work and follow their progress

As your students complete exam activities, all the answers they submit, as well as the marks they get, will be saved and made available for their teachers, themselves, and yourself, as their preparation centre, to look at, at any time. In this way, you will be able to know what each student’s most accurate level is, in real-time, over the period of their exam preparation.

  To access all the exercises your students have completed, please do the following:

  1 - Click on My Students, in the menu on the left, under School tools:

  2 - You will then see the list of your students. At the end of each row you will find 5 buttons: Exercises Done, Stats, Mock Exams, Logins and Settings.

  3 - By clicking on the Exercises Done button, a page with all the exercises completed by each student will be loaded, as shown below:

  4 - By clicking on any item of the list, a page with the submitted and corrected answers will appear:

  To access students’ exercise statistics, please do the following:

  1 - In the My Students page, click on the Stats button:

  2 - The first row shows students' global mark, based on the last exercise done of every exam part, as well as the CEFR level it corresponds to:

  3 - The second row shows how many exercises the students have done for each exam and how many are pending to do. It also shows from the ones done, how many have been passed and how many have been failed.

  4 - You will then find a graph which presents a comparison between the results of the different exam papers:

  5 - By clicking on any of the exam papers, its corresponding information will then be calculated, in real-time. For each exam section you will also find information regarding how many exercises have been done, how many are pending to do, how many have been passed, how many have been failed and a graph showing a comparison between the different exam parts:

  6 - For each exam part you will also find information regarding how many exercises have been done, how many are pending to do, how many have been passed, how many have been failed and a graph showing the evolution between the different exercises completed for each part:

  To access students’ mock exams results, please do the following:

  1 - In the My Students page, click on the Mock Exams button:

  2 - A page with all of your students' completed mock exams, sorted by dates, will then appear. By clicking on any of them, all the corresponding information (global mark, CEFR level, results, times of completion...) will then be loaded:

  3 - By clicking on the See corrections button, the completed mock exams will be loaded. You will be able to access all the submitted answers and corrections:

7  Correct your students' writing and speaking exercises

A very attractive feature for preparation centres is the ability to correct the speaking and writing exercises which students submit, based on the same marking scheme used in the official exam.

  Please watch this video to understand how the process of submitting and correcting speaking activities works:

  Please watch this video to understand how the process of submitting and correcting writing activities works:

8  Administer your students’ accounts

  To configure which levels your students have access to, as well as controlling access to correct answers after they complete exercises, please do the following:

  1 - In the My Students page, click on the Settings button:

  2 - Modify any field you may want to change the default settings of:

  To supervise the usage of the platform by your students, access their login records by doing the following:

  1 - In the My Students page, click on the Logins button:

A full list of every time they have tried to access the platform will then appear.